Monday, February 11, 2013

One of a Kind 3/52

One of a Kind 3/52
Originally uploaded by butterflyashes

self portrait week three of fifty two!! going strong!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

"Grapples"...more like "CRAPples"

So I went grocery shopping earlier today and while looking through the fruit, I saw something called 'Grapples'. They looked interesting enough, so I bought them to see what they would taste like...
I tried one and yes, it tasted like an apple...BUT, with a grape jolly rancher somehow twisted into it. Strange. VERY strange. I really like apples, and any candy that is grape flavored...but definitely not a grape-flavored apple. It was like biting into a regular Fugi apple and then -BAM- strong artificial grape flavoring. Needless to say I am disappointed that I spent money on them. Maybe since there are three apples (CRAPples) left, I can figure out something to make with them...for some reason i think they would taste good frozen...hmmm...maybe I'll try it.

On a better note, here is a picture of my lovely daughter's smiling "cheesy" face. She's such a nutball...
Oh...and I almost is my 2nd photo for my Flickr 52 week photo project! Let me know what you think...I will be uploading week 3 on Monday :)

More than halfway done with this deployment...hubby can't come home soon enough...I miss him...he did get the heart-shaped brownies and cookies that I made him. Said they were really good. I am so happy they didn't spoil en route. :)


* DO NOT remove any of my watermarking on any of these photos. If you would like to share the image on your blog/site/etc., please get my permission first and also link to my page.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Illuminate Me 2/52

Illuminate Me 2/52
Originally uploaded by butterflyashes

photo for week 2/52...